Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Four Foundation Health Measures That Serve As An...

1. According to the â€Å"About Healthy People† section, what are the four foundation health measures that will serve as an indicator of progress towards achieving the goals of HP? (4 points) The four foundation health measures that serve as an indicator of progress towards achieving these goals: †¢ General Health Status †¢ Health-Related Quality of Life and well-being †¢ Determinants of health †¢ Disparities 2. Look under the 2020 Topics and Objectives tab and click on Social Determinants of Health. List the five key areas of the social determinants of health (this is not the same as the Determinants of Health from question 1) and give one example of a critical component/key issue for each one. (10 points) The Five key areas (determinants) include: †¢ Economic Stability - Poverty †¢ Education - High school Graduation †¢ Social and Community Context - Social Cohesion †¢ Health and Health Care - Access to health care †¢ Neighborhood and Built Environment - Access to Healthy foods 3. There are certain at-risk populations that HP2020 addresses specifically. Review the information for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Health under the 2020 Topics and Objectives tab. Make sure to read about the need to collect information through survey research and the health disparities faced by this group. Now, list three efforts to address health disparities among lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals (3 points), and explain how they relate to the LGBT health disparities that areShow MoreRelatedHp Transformation Leadership21564 Words   |  87 PagesTRANSFORMATION Leadership at HP | Under supervision of DR. Ahmed Farouk | | This report will present transformation process of hp corp. 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